Is Web Design a Good Career? | CMS Teaching

Web Design in Demand Web design professionals are actually in demand. A source states that the number of jobs in this domain is likely to increase up to 8% in the US, which is faster than an average. You can estimate their pay scale with the fact that the median annual wage of web developers […]

Small Business Tech Trends for 2021 | CMS Teaching

In a normal year, 600,000 small businesses close their doors permanently. Between March 2020 and February 2021, 200,000 businesses fell victim to the COVID-19 pandemic. There is no way to create a business plan around a pandemic or natural disaster, but with the right technology, even small businesses are phenomenon-proof. Let’s explore some of the […]

Becoming a Freelance Web Developer | CMS Teaching

There is a high demand for web developers, and engineers as businesses everywhere need clever apps to help their teams work, engage with customers, and even a slick website that perfectly encapsulates their brand. Whether the app you’re working on will be used in offices everywhere to improve productivity, or individuals around the globe will […]