Search engine optimization works by delivering the exactly relevant content to a targeted audience. Basically, the search engines have to focus and make sure that the consumers connect with the provider or supplier and vice versa. Amongst all the others, there are three essential processes that enable the search engines to do so which include crawling, indexing and ranking.
Crawling is the process through which Google visits a particular website for tracking purpose. It’s accomplished by tiny bots or crawlers known as the Google’s Spider that define and gain in-depth information about a website to update Google’s search field.
It’s what comes after crawling that we’re concerned about here and that is Indexing.
Google Indexing is the process through which a particular website, once found, is properly organized, categorized, and indexed or placed within the Google’s search field to be found by the searchers. The Spider crawlers canada goose down sale Canada Goose chilliwack parka outlet discounts, after identifying the pages of a site, categorize it by adding it to the index of other similar websites in a systematic manner.
To simplify thing, you can consider Google Indexing the same as a librarian filing a library’s database with books (or new information as is the case with Google). When a user types in a keyword to be searched via Google, the search engine scours the various categories or indexes from its library of web-based contents. This hunt for information is accompanied by the interpretation of the search command via a special algorithm that allows Google to measure the importance of a particular page or website and then bring up the content that is deemed most relevant to the search query.
Why Is It Important?
Indexing is important for new blogs, sites, web-stores because the inclusion of their information within the expansive Google database significantly increases their chances of deriving traffic to their websites and exponentially driving the possibility of converting traffic to sales.
How Does a Website Get Indexed?
While Indexing is more or less an automated function that happens via Google’s bots running on a pre-determined algorithm, there are certain ways a new website can attract its attention and expedite the process to be included within the Google Index. Tips for faster Google Indexing include but are not limited to:
- The creation of a Sitemap – an XML document that lists the pages within your website to be included within the index. You can create and submit one for Google’s consideration through the Google Webmaster tools. For websites built on WordPress, the installation and use of Google XML Sitemaps plugin works equally well.
- Submission of Site URL’s to various Search Engines – Websites can log into their Google Account and use it to directly submit their sites URL to Google through the Webmaster Tools. They can also do the same for Yahoo and Bing to raise search ranks.
- Creation and Promotion of Offsite Content – Websites can encourage Google’s crawlers to take notice of them by creating new content and utilizing various link building schemes to generate more interest. One of the ways to accomplish this is through submitting guest blogs and other content to offsite directories, inviting their interest back towards your own website.