Four Tech Trends to Expect in 2018 | CMS Teaching

Technology keeps on advancing each year and we expect to see some trends topping the technological sector.  Tech trends are predictable and something new is always expected in technology. Some innovations keep on getting better and better each year. Below are some tech trends we expect to rock 2018.

  1. Blockchain Technology

Bitcoin is expected to continue to surge and the technology behind the popular cryptocurrency “Blockchain” will increase its mark. Blockchain Technology is used to transact safely online by bitcoin investors. The infrastructure of blockchain is expected to expand in 2018 due to increase in demand of bitcoins. Moreover, we are likely to see blockchain technology expand into other sectors of the economy. Already the cryptocurrency is being used to play real money casino online games. The blockchain is useful in recording health information, events, financial transaction processing, and records management including documentation and identity management. It is designed to protect the company’s units and departments.

  1. Smart City Technology

Urban planning is taking a new twist, a twist in the right direction for better welfare.  The population is continuing to increase at a rapid rate therefore smart city technology is put in place to sustain city populations. Smart City Technology include transport management, connected homes, Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, air quality technology, smart energy, smart data and smart infrastructure.

  1. Voice Search Everywhere

Voice search is now important in every sector, it’s no longer about mobile devices only. Even online gambling have it for live poker rooms. We now prefer voice commands to using our fingertips. It now works perfectly for us when searching for anything you want. Ever since the tool was released by Google, it is now supported on every mobile device.

  1. Wearables

Wearables devices made a great impact in 2017 and are expected to take 2018 by storm. The number of wearable device users is anticipated to increase. New features may be added to give customers better connectivity between wearable devices and their smartphones.

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